Category: Activities

It’s Cool To Be A Nerd!

It’s cool to be a nerd! Over time, the definition of words can change. What used to be a slight, is now a badge of intelligence and entry into the cool club. The term ‘nerd’ was first coined in the 1950s. It is a portmanteau of the words ‘nerdy’ and ‘dorky’, and it was originally…

Making Maths Fun

Making Maths Fun Maths can be a difficult subject for some kids to enjoy, but with the right explanation, it can be fun and engaging. When maths is taught in a way that makes sense to kids, they’re more likely to excel in the subject. Fun in the classroom & online One teacher who’s become…

Curiosity – A Skill For Life

Curiosity – A Skill for Life It’s a well-known fact that kids are born curious. They come into this world with an innate desire to learn and to understand their surroundings. What is curiosity and why is it important? When most people think of curiosity, they think of a child who is constantly asking “why”….

The Boat & The Beetle STEM Activity

The Boat & The Beetle STEM Activity When it comes to the world of children, questioning is a natural phenomenon. This is especially true when it comes to the WHY questions. In fact, children typically ask an average of four WHY questions per day. While this can be a bit exasperating for parents at times,…

The History of Shoes STEM Activity

The History of Shoes STEM Activity In the 90s, when it came to sources of inspiration for styling your wardrobe, Carrie Bradshaw could be considered second to none. But today, stroll down the street, or attend a kid’s birthday party, and you’ll soon observe who the real leaders of style are. Shoes. Handbags. Jewelled rings….

Look Up! Stargazing Activity

Look Up! Stargazing Activity We spend a lot of hours looking down at our screens. According to the Australian Government, Australian Institute of Family Studies, our heads are titled towards screens far in excess of national guidelines. For children aged less than two years, the recommended daily screen time is zero hours. For children aged…

STEM Stories For You & Your Child

STEM Stories for you and your child It’s no secret that reading is good for you. Research has shown that there are a number of benefits to reading to your child, including teaching them language skills, increasing vocabulary and improving attention span. When children are read to, they are opening up a whole new world…

Minecraft – Gaming for Education

Minecraft – Gaming for education Minecraft. It’s all the rage. From the outside, it might look like just another screen-attention-grabbing computer game. But there’s more to Minecraft than that… The game is heralded as developing skills such as problem-solving, creativity, and collaborative processes. According to Engineering for Kids, in 2020, around 131 million people logged…